Month: November 2015

We are excited for Christmas Jumper Day 2015!

Text Santa is back! This year the Firemizer team will be partaking in the annual Christmas Jumper Day on the 18th of December 2015 in aid of Save the Children, Macmillan Cancer Support and Make-A-Wish UK. Last year was a great success all members of staff put on their most festive Christmas jumpers on and had completely lifted the Christmas spirit up! This year we want to do the something even greater to raise money, we will be organising a Christmas Jumper Competition within the office on who’s got the most stylish snazzy Christmas Jumper on – what a fun way to raise money for the charities!

Text Santa will give hope to families all over the UK and overseas, remember, every penny you donate can help someone fight illnesses and get the help the children need.

Remember to check out our Festive Christmas Jumpers and find out how much we money we raised after the event! Stay tuned…

For more information about Christmas Jumper Day, please visit:

Operation Christmas Child 2015

This year The Firemizer Team will be donating and sending off a couple of shoeboxes full of useful items and presents to children who are either suffering from natural disasters, diseases, famine and are victims of war. We want to get involved in changing the children’s lives through the power of a simple gift and put a smile on their face during a difficult time in their life. Our shoebox gifts may reach Africa, Eastern Europe and or Central Asia; we are yet still to find out where the destination of our shoeboxes will be. We can’t wait for our shoeboxes to reach the children at Christmas!

Stay tuned to find out where the locations of our shoeboxes are soon!

If you would like to get involved too, read more on:


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