Month: July 2018

Chiminea Safety Tips!

Chiminea Safety Tips!

The fourth and final outside fire-appliance is the beautiful chiminea! Chimineas have been found in gardens for nearly half a century. Mainly used for central heating, their early designs can be traced back to Spain or Mexico. Traditionally placed near a window, the long neck of the design prevented smoke from collecting inside. Here are a few more safety tips to make sure you have safe and soothing summer evenings.


First of all, make sure the chiminea is sturdy and not likely to tip over. Three/four legged stands are available, and a foundation of brick will decrease the possibility of fire spreading.


Watch out for any low-hanging ornaments or branches. The chiminea should be in its own area, and a safe distance away from your home.


When starting your fire, do not use chemicals like kerosene or lighter fluid to start the fire. In addition to the harmful gases they produce, but the fires are far more unpredictable and difficult to contain. Instead, use a firestarter and kindling, with newspaper balls to allow the fire to burn slowly downwards. Firebuilder is a firelighter and kindling-in-one, and does not use any chemicals. Made out of recycled cardboard, the unique airflow technology allows the fire to start at a quick but manageable speed.

Top-down Method

The Top-Down Method is the safest and most effective way to start a fire in a chiminea. For a step-by-step guide, refer to the Firemizer FAQs here.


Keep a safe distance between you and the chiminea as the outside surface is likely to get very hot. Also keep a watchful eye on any pets or young children that could accidentally come into contact with the structure.


Finally, don’t leave any fire unattended. Most of all, make sure the chiminea is always in view, and that you have a bucket or water or hose handy.

How to make the perfect pizza using your Pizza Oven!

This week’s focus is the mighty garden appliance – the pizza oven! If you’re lucky enough to have one of these incredible structures at home, now is the time to use it. Not only does it provide a great opportunity to invite friends over, it produces some excellent, restaurant-quality pizza. And really – who doesn’t love pizza? Make it as meaty as you like, smother it in veggies, give it a spicy kick or keep it simple. There’s a combination of pizza toppings for everyone out there. This week, we’re going to be giving you some simple steps to creating the perfect pizza with your pizza oven.

Get it hot!

Firstly, you need to make sure your pizza oven is at the right temperature to cook the pizza thoroughly, and since you’ll be cooking with wood traditionally, this could take some time. Using a Firebuilder will get your fire started easier and quicker, and doesn’t require the use of chemicals like kerosene. It differs from pizza oven to pizza oven, but generally it should be at about 300°C – 570°F.

Make the best base!

Regardless of if you’re using a pre-made base or have made your own from scratch, don’t smother it in sauce. Leave space at the rim for the crust to raise, and evenly spread the cheese and toppings. Have fun with the toppings too – try out interesting new combinations, you never know what could work!

Give it a spin!

Because of the dome-like structure of the pizza oven, a lot of the heat output is directed towards the back. While the pizza is cooking, make sure to spin the base by 180° every few minutes. This will ensure the pizza is cooked evenly, and you won’t be left with any raw dough or toppings. Make sure you’re using heat-proof gloves, safety first!

Timing is everything!

Unlike a gas oven, at the right temperature cooking in a pizza oven will only take up to five minutes. Check to see if the cheese is bubbling and slightly browned but not burned. The outside crust should be slightly brown and crunchy, but the inside should be soft and with a brown underneath. If you’re cooking multiple pizzas, make sure the oven stays at that perfect temperature. Placing a Firemizer on the base will help the wood to burn more evenly and efficiently, and keep that temperature higher for longer. It will also preserve the life of the wood inside the oven, meaning less trips back to the wood store.

Using your BBQ this Summer with Firemizer and Firebuilder!

Using your BBQ this Summer with Firemizer and Firebuilder!

Continuing our month focused on the furnishings that help enjoy the outside in Summer, this week it’s all about BBQs! Like the fire-pit, the BBQ is often the centrepiece of any outside gathering, as everybody loves party food. From burgers and hot-dogs, to corn and kebabs, and cheese and veggies, there’s nothing a BBQ can’t handle! Therefore, whatever your dietary restrictions, there’s food on offer from everyone – vegetarian, vegan or meat-lover. Here’s a list of some great vegetarian recipes if you’re interested in trying something different this summer –

Using Firemizer and Firebuilder with your BBQ

Firemizer is a really handy tool to have beneath your coal BBQ. It’ll get your coals hotter much faster, help them to burn more efficiently and last up to a third longer, and reduce any harmful pollutants emitted by 72%. Simply place it on the base of your BBQ, place the coals on top, and start it like normal and see the different. In addition, why not use Firebuilder to start a perfect fire every time? With no kerosene, the food will be free from any harmful chemicals to keep your food tasting great. Just break the cardboard brick, light the edges, place it on top of your solid fuel and let the fire burn downwards.

JustAverageJen’s BBQ with Firemizer

Blogger JustAverageJen wrote about her experiences using Firemizer in her BBQ last summer, as well as other BBQ essential tips. Cooking for both vegetarians and meat-lovers, Jen’s advice is for anyone wanting to host a perfect BBQ this summer. She evens explains that Firemizer allowed her to “cook more items than normal as [the fire] was still hot so we cooked some food for the following day!”

Read the rest of Jen’s advice here at, and read her blog for more excellent lifestyle and dietary advice.

Fun things to do around the Fire-pit this Summer!


Fun things to do around the Fire-pit this Summer!

Fire-pits are quickly becoming the centrepiece in any garden – just like the hearth, the fire-pit becomes a centralized meeting point. Now that the weather is beautiful once again, spending the days and evenings outside seems far less discouraging. An afternoon relaxing with a book, dinners outside, a drink with friends, the garden has much more room and ambience to offer than any inside room. If you’re planning a gathering of friends and family, try some of these fun activities to make the night memorable.

Sweets and Treats!

When hosting an outside activity around a fire, the go-to activity is usually centred around food. Hot dogs make a great savory treat when accompanied by ketchup and mustard, a BBQ classic! Nobody wants to wait around for food, so getting your fire started quicker and stronger is crucial. Using a Firebuilder makes starting your fire easier than ever – simply break the cardboard brick, light the edges, place it on top of your solid fuel and let the fire burn downwards. As a kindling-and-firestarter-in-one (with no added chemicals like kerosene) your fire will be roaring before you know it.

If you’re looking for something on the sweeter side, there’s no fireside food better than the S’more. Here’s a simply recipe from Hershey’s themselves to make the perfect S’more this summer –


It might sound cheesy, but sometimes there’s really nothing better than a good group sing-along around the fire! Grab your guitar and strike a few chords, you’re bound to find a song that everyone knows the words to. You can even bring out some kitchen objects and get a full DIY orchestra going!

Stories and memories!

Whether it’s a spooky ghost story, or an embarrassing memory, stories by the fireside are a time-old tradition. With the added help of Firemizer, your solid fuel will last up to a third longer, meaning less interference and more time to share. Simply place a Firemizer at the base of your fire-pit, place your fuel on top and let the unique steel-alloy grid help your fuel to burn more evenly and efficiently (whilst also reducing any harmful pollutants by 72%).


Get the most out of your fire-pit this Summer with the help of Firebuilder and Firemizer, and make those summer nights last as long as possible.

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