Month: December 2018

Fun and Festive Family Activities


Christmas is getting ever nearer, and things might be feeling chaotic. However it’s never a bad time to pause and enjoy the people around you. Christmas is a time for celebrating time with family and friends after all. When you get a break from working, shopping or catching up on sleep, try some of these fun family activities!


Festive Baking

Baking is a great way to get everyone involved. It might create a bit of a mess, but it will also create some lovely sweet treats. Gingerbread men, Christmas pudding, trifles, fudge, and chocolate cake – the list goes on. The Food Network has got 101 great recipe ideas for you and the family to get stuck into here.

Christmas Films

Something more relaxing (and requires a lot less tidying up) would be to gather the family and watch a movie! Everyone could choose their favourite festive film, and pitch why theirs should be watched. Or, take turns and watch one every few days or each week leading up to the big day. Everybody has his or her own opinion when it comes to the best Christmas film ever. To make it easier, here’s Rotten Tomatoes list of the 25 best Christmas films ever.

Get Festive with Firemizer and Firebuilder

To add that extra bit of festivity, cosy up by the fire with a Firemizer. It helps your solid fuel last over a third longer without emitting any harmful air pollutants or creosote. If you need to get your fire started, there’s nothing better than a Firebuilder. Simply break one of the corrugated-cardboard bricks in half, light the corners and watch your fire go. No need for kindling or lighter fluid!

Decorating the House

If you read our post last week’s about DIY decorations, you might find time this week to put them up! Like baking, this is a simple activity that everyone can get involved with – get all hands on deck. Hang the tinsel, frost the windows, get the lights plugged in and fancy up the tree. Christmas is rapidly approaching, so before the big rush begins, get everyone helping and have the house party-ready!

DIY Christmas Presents and Decorations!


It’s the last month of the year, but though we should be winding down, December is the busiest of all! If you’re organised, you might already have the Christmas decorations up and the presents already bought. If, like most people, you simply haven’t had time, fear not – we’re here to give you some simple DIY tips.



Dust off the decoration box and get the tinsel and baubles at the ready; it’s time to get festive! We all have decorations acquired over the years, some we’ve become attached to, but you can always find new additions. Instead of spending valuable present money, why not try your hand at making your own? These can range from frosty window décor, to hand-painted baubles, to a lovely wreath for the front door. Or, what could be better than personalised stockings to hang above the fire? Check out these great DIY decorations here. And, if you’re struggling to get the fire beneath roaring, why not try a Firebuilder? One box can start you 10 perfect fires, without the need for kindling or any chemicals!


If you’re stuck for presents to buy for the person who has everything, why not make something yourself? It’s an easy way to guarantee no doubles on Christmas day, and it’s something they can cherish forever. Family picture key chains, hand-painted coffee mugs, wood-carved wine and beer carriers – the list is endless. Dodoburd have you covered with 65 amazing ideas here.


Once the big day arrives, you’ll want to get the fire going to keep the home nice and cosy all day. This means no running to grab extra wood from the store, so throw a Firemizer underneath your solid fuel to keep it burning 38% longer. Air pollutants are reduced by 72%, and creosote in the chimney is reduced by 52%. This means an easier journey for Santa down the chimney too!

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