Month: February 2019

The Top Five Uses For Wood Ash

What are the best uses for wood ash?

Before using wood ash for anything there is something to bear in mind. Only use ashes from wood that is free of chemicals, no pressure treated wood, painted or stained wood, charcoal briquettes, or commercial products like slow burning wood logs. why no checkout our blog on what wood you should use on your wood stove. 

wood ash However, if you are using Firemizer this makes the ash finer and there are less unburnt log chunks leftover as the fire burns hotter for longer. Accompanied by Firebuilder a firelighter and kindling in one, this has no chemicals or odours as it’s made from 100% recycled cardboard.

If you’re using these then the wood ash is perfectly safe to use once your fire is out!

Make sure the ash is completely cool before touching it, buried embers can remain hot for days. To store ash safely place them into a metal container with a lid and place on a non-combustible surface such as dirt or concrete.

Never combine wood ash with nitrogen fertilisers it will produce ammonia gas.


Wood ash added to the compost will help boost potassium levels, a key nutrient for flowering and fruiting. Only add wood ash to compost in moderation, since the ash is alkaline too much can raise the pH that may damage your plants.

Melt ice

Wood ash is an environmentally safe way to melt ice and snow. Since the ash contains potassium carbonate, a type of salt that is more eco-friendly it can help break up ice and melt snow when scatted on roads.

Make soap

When ash from hardwoods, for instance, oak and maple, are boiled in soft water it creates lye and when this is mixed with animal fats or vegetable oils it creates a soft soap. A little salt added creates a firmer bar of soap.

Block garden pests

A sprinkle of wood ash around plants or along the perimeter of the plot will be a major turn off for the slimy creepy crawlies, for instance, slugs and snails.

Shine silver and polish glass

Wood ash can be used to polish tarnished silverware, dull metals and cloud glass since it is mildly abrasive. All you need is to take a cup of ashes and a small amount of water to make a thick paste. Then off you go, you’ll have the silverware shining in no time!

Firemizers Valentine’s Love Facts

Happy valentine’s day folks!

Roses are red violets are blue I want to sit by the fire with you!

If you’re missing or remising over old flames or celebrating with new flames or even if you’re a fire that can’t be tamed. I hope you’re enjoying this valentine’s day however you are celebrating, even if at all. 

To get you in the mood, here are some interesting facts to relight your fire about love!


We aren’t the only species that finds someone for life! Many animals like wolves, swans and even termites have one partner for life. 

It only takes 4 minutes to decide whether you like someone or not. Your body language, tone and speed of your voice are the deciding factors to a good first impression

Falling in love has similar brain effects to those of cocaine. Both trigger a similar sense of euphoria and studies have shown that falling in love produces several chemicals that stimulate 12 areas of the brain at the same time. Love can be addictive.

Cuddling releases natural painkillers. Oxytocin is produced during an embrace, a dose of oxytocin decreases headaches significantly for some and can make the pain go away completely.    


Broken heart syndrome is caused by an intense and traumatizing event such as a break-up, the loss of a loved one, physical separation or betrayal. These can cause real physical pain in the heart. Emotional stress triggers the brain to distribute certain chemicals that weaken the heart leading to strong chest pains and shortness of breath.

Butterflies in your stomach are real, its caused by adrenaline which floods your body during a fight or flight response situations.

A 75-year long study, conducted by a group of Harvard researchers, showed that love is all you need. The participants’ life experiences revealed that happiness and life fulfilment revolved around love or simply searching for love.

To see more love facts click here!

This might sound cheesy, but being by the fire with you would be grate. With Firemizer, you can enjoy the fire and cuddle for longer! ( Psst! it’s only £14.99 for valentines day!)

Roses are red violets are blue I hope that you come back soon!

Firemizer’s 2018 Round Up

Firemizer had a great year in 2018 and since we still can’t quite believe it’s 2019 let’s hold on to 2018 a bit longer and look back at some quite big and crazy events for the year.

‘In looking back, I see nothing to regret and little to correct.

John C. Calhoun

  • Meghan Markle married Prince Harry and became the U.K.’s first black princess 
  • Serena Williams made an epic return at the French Open in a fierce black catsuit.
  • Ireland ended its abortion ban, thanks to the thousands of people who flew home to vote on the referendum.
  • Doctors Grew a New Ear in a Soldier’s Arm
  • 13-Year-Old Wakes Up After Being Declared Brain Dead

It’s time to turn back time and see what 2018 bought Firemizer

The new website

Jumping straight into January the new website was launched! All shiny and new, perfect and easy for you to use and get all the info you need on all things Firemizer.

Dragons Den

Filming for the TV show went underway in May, a nerve-wracking experience. Maybe you saw us on tv? We’ve had lots of lovely enquires from you and Thanks to everyone that’s bought a Firemizer so far! 

Burn baby burn!

You may be surprised that Firemizer did well this summer, the scorching heat didn’t burn us out! Apparently didn’t stop you from buying Firemizer. Hopefully, you all enjoyed a good BBQ, fingers crossed this summer is perfect BBQ weather.

New hire

Towards the end of June, we hired a new intern. Ever wondered who writes these posts? It’s me! I help design marketing materials and run all the socials, so don’t be a stranger!

Countryfile live

Last year we trekked down to BBC’s Countryfile live! Stood in a black gazebo for 4 days in the burning heat, not the best of ideas. However, it was lovely to speak to people, walk the event, see all the dogs and eat some yummy food! Here’s the blog about our experience of the event! 

winter is coming!

As they say a hot summer therefore this means a cold winter! So, we launched our winter pack and hosted a lovely Christmas competition to celebrate.

Not bad roundup for 2018 and who knows what the rest of 2019 will bring! Don’t waste the year away as we’ll be saying Merry Christmas and a happy new year soon enough!

How fire safe are you?

What are the different types of fire?

Fires can be separated into 5 different categories depending on the type of fuel.  Consequently, for your safety, it is advised to keep a fire extinguisher in your home. Better to be safe than sorry!

As a result, to make sure you have the correct extinguisher look at the 5 fire categories below and decide which rooms you may need an extinguisher.

Getting started with fire extinguishers

Keep at least one extinguisher on each level of your house. Fire extinguishers should be kept in areas where fires are more likely to start, for example in the kitchen and garage.

The five classes of fire extinguishers are – A, B, C, D and F – and each class can put out a different type of fire.


  • Class A/ water-based or foam

extinguishers will put out fires from ordinary combustibles such as wood and paper 

  • Class B/ foam

these are for use on flammable liquids like grease, gasoline and oil

  • Class C/ dry powder

extinguishers are suitable for use only on electrically energized fires 

  • Class D/ specific dry powder 

these are designed for use on flammable metals 

  • Class F

extinguishers are designed for cooking oil fires

How to use your fire extinguisher

Most Fire extinguishers use the P.A.S.S. technique, therefore making them easy to use. 

              • P. Pull the pin on the fire extinguisher in order to break the tamper seal.
              • A. Aim the fire extinguisher low, with the nozzle pointed at the base of the fire. 
              • S. Squeeze the handle of the fire extinguisher to release the extinguishing agent. 
              • S. Sweep the nozzle from side to side while pointed at the base of the fire until it is extinguished. 
              • If the fire re-ignites, repeat the last 3 steps.

How to treat a minor burn

There are three types of burns: first, second and third-degree. Each is based on the severity of damage to the skin. First-degree is the most minor and third-degree is the most severe.

Do not apply ice to burn or use cotton wool as small fibres can stick.

 Treatments for a first-degree burn include:
              • soak the wound in cool water for five minutes or longer
              • take acetaminophen or ibuprofen for pain relief
              • apply lidocaine (anaesthetic) with Aloe Vera gel or cream to soothe the skin
              • use an antibiotic ointment and loose gauze to protect the affected area

While fire can be fun and relaxing it is also best to take caution when doing anything that involves fire.

In addition, Firemizer reduces creosote by 57% which is a highly flammable resin that sticks to your flue which will reduce the risk of flue fires.



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