Tag: international day of forest

International Day of Forests 2018

International Day of Forests 2018

The United Nations proclaim that the International Day of Forests will take place on 21st of March 2018. The purpose of this day is to highlight all the wonderful things that trees and forests provide for our planet, and raise awareness of what we can do to help protect and preserve them. Whether it’s on a local, national or international level, the aim is to participate in projects benefitting our fantastic greenery. This could be a small photo competition, art exhibition showcasing natural imagery, or mass tree-planting across communities; everything helps.

Each year, the Collaborative Partnership on Forests designates a particular theme or area to focus on with regards to sustainability. This year, the theme is Sustainable Cities, placing emphasis on the unprecedented urbanisation of the 21st century and subsequent pollution. With the implementation of inner-city parks and forests, we can reduce the vast levels of carbon emissions and pollution for the some 6 billion people living there.


The key messages for the International Day of Forests are simple. They are:

  • Trees store carbon, which helps with the reduction of climate change (particularly in areas of high-pollution like cities).
  • Trees and forests improve the local climate, reducing energy needed for heating by between 20%-50%.
  • The placement of trees within cities reduces air temperature by up to 8°C, further reducing energy used on air-conditioning. Trees also act as air filters, removing harmful particulates and pollutants.
  • They produce fruits, nuts, leaves and insects which are used in food and medicines, providing a source of income. Trees and forests also make for perfect animal habitats, keeping the ecosystem stable and helping to maintain biodiversity.
  • Wood from these urban landscapes can be later purposed as fuel, providing a source of renewable energy. This is important as it takes reliance off the burning and consumption of harmful fossil fuels.
  • Also, forests help to filter and regulate water systems and, by storing water in branches and soil, can prevent flooding.
  • The planting and maintaining of forests generates jobs and tourism within green economies, and encourages active and healthy lifestyles that results in better mental health, more sociability and stronger immunity to disease.

Furthermore, the benefits of increased greenery are continuous, and there are lots of parts we can play in the protection of our trees and forests. Do you bit for the planet – plant a tree in your garden, donate to your local park, or perhaps use sustainable, locally-sourced wood as your main heat source, helping it last up to 38% longer (and reducing harmful particulates by 72%) by purchasing a Firemizer today.

Follow the latest news and information over at the International Day of Forests 2018.

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