Month: January 2019

What is Your Carbon Footprint?

Carbon Footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere as a result of the activities of a particular individual, organization, or community.


‘We only have 12 years to save the planet!’ 


With headlines like this, it is time to start thinking about our own carbon footprint and what we can do to help! Since its big energy saving week, why not look at changing to a cleaner energy provider. The big clean switch runs clean energy switches where you can find the best deal. This might be cheaper for you so what’s to lose?


what is Clean energy?
Clean energy comes from the earth’s natural resources (sunlight, wind, waves and tides). There are two advantages for clean energy, it will never run out and it doesn’t pollute the environment or cause us harm, unlike oil, coal and gas. It’s versatile,  abundant and perfect for the UK. We have the best access to the cleanest energy, wind and tidal resources meet our energy needs.


Clean energy meets around a quarter of electricity demands in the UK.


How to change your carbon footprint


Reduce Waste! 
Did you know that wasted food in the UK represents 14 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions! Everything you can do to avoid sending unwanted waste to landfill will benefit the environment. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle!
carbon footprint
Support Clean Energy!
Make sure water and energy ratings are as efficient as possible on products. The world can have renewable energy by 2050. Buy showing that you want clean you can help increase demand.carbon footprint
Travel Smart!
You don’t need to walk everywhere, maybe cycle or car share. if you do need a car look for low emissions or invest in a hybrid or electric car
carbon footprint


Realistically the changes that need to be made won’t happen overnight. But more people that are aware the better chances we have of reducing our carbon footprint and the effect of climate change and air pollution.
We aim at Firemizer to do all we can help the environment. Our research team are currently in the process of calculating and publishing our carbon footprint and to improve it for the future.
We are proud to say that Firemizer can help reduce harmful emissions by 72%. There’s no downside to that!
To find out your carbon footprint use the calculator at WWF


Unusual ways to use your fireplace

Fantastic, Funky, Fresh. Fireplaces!

You’re probably thinking fireplaces only have one job and that’s for warming and relaxing fires, well you are in for a surprise. There are numerous ways to use your fireplace and here are some of them.


Release your inner bookworm

This is the perfect way to show off your inner bookworm, book storage is always tricky, and this quirky storage option is great!

Hang art

Not into books? Well, art is a perfect fit to spruce up the fireplace. Pick a favourite art print or multiple and go to town!

Convert into a wine rack

This is a wine lovers dream! Show off your favourite wines and knowledge by displaying them proudly!

Light it up

Set the mood with some candles, big, small, scented or unscented, whatever your choice this is great for a cosy night in!

Add tiles

Want to add some colour to the room? then why not try tiles, they’re a great way to add bits of colour without going too overboard.



Green thumb?

Why not try adding plants to your fireplace. Real or fake plants would work perfectly and create a lovely effect in your home.

Oldies but goldies

Use your fireplace space to display antiques or quirky decorative items. The perfect way to revamp a room and show your unique personality   

Stack logs

Great way to use as storage, you may have other appliances that need wood or it’s still perfect for decorative use.

Paint it white

Update the old brick with some nice paint and boom instant mood booster, perfect for a springtime vibe.



For the families

If you’ve got kids or plan to in the future these are some great way to change up a fireplace, so it is child-friendly
fireplace fireplace fireplace
Get creative with chalk art or use the fireplace as new storage for all the cuddly toys or go to town and paint the whole fireplace pink!
Need any more fireplace inspiration? Check out our Pinterest page for more!

What can I do to help the environment?

Helping the environment is a big deal for us, you’d know if you’ve read our previous post on our 2019 resolutions!

You have most likely heard people talking about reducing their dairy and meat consumption. Maybe you’re sick of hearing about vegans. But stick around for a little longer and you might learn something new!

What is veganuary? 

Veganuary is a stepping stone into veganism. In brief, you’ll pledge to be vegan for the whole of January. No meat, no dairy, no fish!

Why do it?

For the most part, people go vegan for the ethical impact meat consumption has on animals and the environment. Some want to feel better about themselves and others want a challenge.

graphThe facts and figures

Becoming vegan or reducing your consumption a small amount can have a huge impact.

For example, you’ll save water[1]. The production and transport of food require lots of water. Products that don’t use livestock require less water.

  • A Loaf bread = 600 litres
  • An apple = 70 litres.

You’ll protect nature

Animal agriculture requires a large amount of land to rear animals and to produce food to feed them. 30% of the earth’s surface is used to graze and rear animals. A big issue is palm oil. It’s used to make a whole range of cosmetics, detergents and food products including margarine and ice cream. The demand for palm oil is high therefore has detrimental effects on wildlife and forests.[2] 

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Reduce your greenhouse gas emissions

Air pollutants are generated through clearing land and growing crops for animals and transport. Scientists at Cornell University found that to produce one calorie of food energy from beef requires 40 calories of fossil fuel energy. In comparison, one calorie of human-edible grain takes 2.2 calories of fossil fuel energy.

Your diet can greatly impact the emissions into the environment which then leads to an impact on our health.

You’ll reduce pollution

The biggest threat to water pollution is from agriculture. Many coastal dead zones populate the UK due to fertiliser, manure and sewage pollution. This causes algal blooms. These decompose and oxygen is sucked out of the water leaving fewer species able to survive.

Eating vegan and you don’t know it

Cutting down on your consumption of certain foods isn’t always bad. For instance, these are just some foods that are accidentally vegan that you’re probably already eating!

  • Doritos: Chilli Heatwave and Lightly Salted
  • Oreos: Original
  • Fox’s: Dark Chocolate Chunkie Cookies, Party Rings
  • Co-op Jam, and custard doughnuts
  • Bird’s Custard(when made with plant milk)
  • Walkers Crisps: Ready Salted, Salt and Vinegar, Pickled Onion, Prawn Cocktail, Worcester Sauce, Crinkles Simply Sea Salted, Chipsticks Salt ‘n’ Vinegar Flavour, Sensations Lime & Coriander Chutney Poppadoms, Sensations Balsamic Vinegar & Caramalised Onion, Sunbites Sweet Chilli, Sunbites Original, Sausage and Brown Sauce
  • Pringles: Original, Paprika, BBQ and Smokey Bacon
  • Mr Kipling: Treacle Tart, Jam Tarts, Apple and Blackcurrant Pies[3]

In a lifetime, each of us will eat more than 7,000 animals! It’s not about trying to change your whole lifestyle straight away. Small changes can make a big difference for you and the environment!

In short, realistically it would be hard to cut out everything and go cold turkey. However, why not try meat-free Mondays? Or switching up your milk in your coffee (coconut milk is my favourite).






New’s Year Resolutions

Happy New Year!

Hopefully, the January blues haven’t gotten to you just yet and you’re almost fully recovered from the holidays!
2019 is the year of the pig and upon doing some research the pig represents;
  • sleeping and eating
  • no plan to harm others
  • can bring affluence to people
  • has been regarded as wealthy
If 2019 brings lots of sleeping and eating, this will be a very good year!



Historically (around 4000 years ago to be precise) resolutions were made as promises to the gods. While today majority make resolutions to focus on self-improvement. Sometimes they usually are unobtainable goals that make resolutions seem so hard to follow through on. Additionally, this may explain why many of us dislike making them.
However, the first blog of the year has to feature some mention of new year’s resolutions. You’re probably sick and tired of hearing ‘new year new me’ and the barrels of people who are going to start the gym. If you’re firmly against resolutions, generally speaking, they can be useful. The firemizer team would like to share some of ours. Maybe it’ll spark something in you to make a change!

new years Bring more attention and awareness to air pollution

Since the public have become more aware of plastic pollution and are making small changes to lessen plastic consumption. The next step is air pollution. The government released a clean air act initiative. We believe that firemizer can be the solution and this year we want to spread more awareness. If pollution carries on, in a few years’ time we could be all wearing designer gas masks!

Continue to be 100% recyclable

As a business, is it highly important for us to continue to be 100% recyclable and to highlight areas we need to work the coming year. Currently, firemizer is 100% recyclable, the packaging, the product and now the postal envelopes.

Be a mindful, transparent and an environmental business as possible

In anything we do we aim to do our best, be honest and be as human as possible. Any questions or queries we will answer in the best honest way we can, without using complicated jargon.

Always keeping the environment in mind when developing new things.

when creating new products or ideas we aim to think of the best way that will benefit the environment rather than harm. So you can trust you’re shopping ethically.


That’s our resolutions, what are yours? You’ve got the whole year save for that holiday, run a 5k, be more environmental or just make your bed every day!
We keep making resolutions every year so why stop now!
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