Category: Blog

The Top Five Uses For Wood Ash

What are the best uses for wood ash?

Before using wood ash for anything there is something to bear in mind. Only use ashes from wood that is free of chemicals, no pressure treated wood, painted or stained wood, charcoal briquettes, or commercial products like slow burning wood logs. why no checkout our blog on what wood you should use on your wood stove. 

wood ash However, if you are using Firemizer this makes the ash finer and there are less unburnt log chunks leftover as the fire burns hotter for longer. Accompanied by Firebuilder a firelighter and kindling in one, this has no chemicals or odours as it’s made from 100% recycled cardboard.

If you’re using these then the wood ash is perfectly safe to use once your fire is out!

Make sure the ash is completely cool before touching it, buried embers can remain hot for days. To store ash safely place them into a metal container with a lid and place on a non-combustible surface such as dirt or concrete.

Never combine wood ash with nitrogen fertilisers it will produce ammonia gas.


Wood ash added to the compost will help boost potassium levels, a key nutrient for flowering and fruiting. Only add wood ash to compost in moderation, since the ash is alkaline too much can raise the pH that may damage your plants.

Melt ice

Wood ash is an environmentally safe way to melt ice and snow. Since the ash contains potassium carbonate, a type of salt that is more eco-friendly it can help break up ice and melt snow when scatted on roads.

Make soap

When ash from hardwoods, for instance, oak and maple, are boiled in soft water it creates lye and when this is mixed with animal fats or vegetable oils it creates a soft soap. A little salt added creates a firmer bar of soap.

Block garden pests

A sprinkle of wood ash around plants or along the perimeter of the plot will be a major turn off for the slimy creepy crawlies, for instance, slugs and snails.

Shine silver and polish glass

Wood ash can be used to polish tarnished silverware, dull metals and cloud glass since it is mildly abrasive. All you need is to take a cup of ashes and a small amount of water to make a thick paste. Then off you go, you’ll have the silverware shining in no time!

Firemizers Valentine’s Love Facts

Happy valentine’s day folks!

Roses are red violets are blue I want to sit by the fire with you!

If you’re missing or remising over old flames or celebrating with new flames or even if you’re a fire that can’t be tamed. I hope you’re enjoying this valentine’s day however you are celebrating, even if at all. 

To get you in the mood, here are some interesting facts to relight your fire about love!


We aren’t the only species that finds someone for life! Many animals like wolves, swans and even termites have one partner for life. 

It only takes 4 minutes to decide whether you like someone or not. Your body language, tone and speed of your voice are the deciding factors to a good first impression

Falling in love has similar brain effects to those of cocaine. Both trigger a similar sense of euphoria and studies have shown that falling in love produces several chemicals that stimulate 12 areas of the brain at the same time. Love can be addictive.

Cuddling releases natural painkillers. Oxytocin is produced during an embrace, a dose of oxytocin decreases headaches significantly for some and can make the pain go away completely.    


Broken heart syndrome is caused by an intense and traumatizing event such as a break-up, the loss of a loved one, physical separation or betrayal. These can cause real physical pain in the heart. Emotional stress triggers the brain to distribute certain chemicals that weaken the heart leading to strong chest pains and shortness of breath.

Butterflies in your stomach are real, its caused by adrenaline which floods your body during a fight or flight response situations.

A 75-year long study, conducted by a group of Harvard researchers, showed that love is all you need. The participants’ life experiences revealed that happiness and life fulfilment revolved around love or simply searching for love.

To see more love facts click here!

This might sound cheesy, but being by the fire with you would be grate. With Firemizer, you can enjoy the fire and cuddle for longer! ( Psst! it’s only £14.99 for valentines day!)

Roses are red violets are blue I hope that you come back soon!

What is Your Carbon Footprint?

Carbon Footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere as a result of the activities of a particular individual, organization, or community.


‘We only have 12 years to save the planet!’ 


With headlines like this, it is time to start thinking about our own carbon footprint and what we can do to help! Since its big energy saving week, why not look at changing to a cleaner energy provider. The big clean switch runs clean energy switches where you can find the best deal. This might be cheaper for you so what’s to lose?


what is Clean energy?
Clean energy comes from the earth’s natural resources (sunlight, wind, waves and tides). There are two advantages for clean energy, it will never run out and it doesn’t pollute the environment or cause us harm, unlike oil, coal and gas. It’s versatile,  abundant and perfect for the UK. We have the best access to the cleanest energy, wind and tidal resources meet our energy needs.


Clean energy meets around a quarter of electricity demands in the UK.


How to change your carbon footprint


Reduce Waste! 
Did you know that wasted food in the UK represents 14 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions! Everything you can do to avoid sending unwanted waste to landfill will benefit the environment. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle!
carbon footprint
Support Clean Energy!
Make sure water and energy ratings are as efficient as possible on products. The world can have renewable energy by 2050. Buy showing that you want clean you can help increase demand.carbon footprint
Travel Smart!
You don’t need to walk everywhere, maybe cycle or car share. if you do need a car look for low emissions or invest in a hybrid or electric car
carbon footprint


Realistically the changes that need to be made won’t happen overnight. But more people that are aware the better chances we have of reducing our carbon footprint and the effect of climate change and air pollution.
We aim at Firemizer to do all we can help the environment. Our research team are currently in the process of calculating and publishing our carbon footprint and to improve it for the future.
We are proud to say that Firemizer can help reduce harmful emissions by 72%. There’s no downside to that!
To find out your carbon footprint use the calculator at WWF


New’s Year Resolutions

Happy New Year!

Hopefully, the January blues haven’t gotten to you just yet and you’re almost fully recovered from the holidays!
2019 is the year of the pig and upon doing some research the pig represents;
  • sleeping and eating
  • no plan to harm others
  • can bring affluence to people
  • has been regarded as wealthy
If 2019 brings lots of sleeping and eating, this will be a very good year!



Historically (around 4000 years ago to be precise) resolutions were made as promises to the gods. While today majority make resolutions to focus on self-improvement. Sometimes they usually are unobtainable goals that make resolutions seem so hard to follow through on. Additionally, this may explain why many of us dislike making them.
However, the first blog of the year has to feature some mention of new year’s resolutions. You’re probably sick and tired of hearing ‘new year new me’ and the barrels of people who are going to start the gym. If you’re firmly against resolutions, generally speaking, they can be useful. The firemizer team would like to share some of ours. Maybe it’ll spark something in you to make a change!

new years Bring more attention and awareness to air pollution

Since the public have become more aware of plastic pollution and are making small changes to lessen plastic consumption. The next step is air pollution. The government released a clean air act initiative. We believe that firemizer can be the solution and this year we want to spread more awareness. If pollution carries on, in a few years’ time we could be all wearing designer gas masks!

Continue to be 100% recyclable

As a business, is it highly important for us to continue to be 100% recyclable and to highlight areas we need to work the coming year. Currently, firemizer is 100% recyclable, the packaging, the product and now the postal envelopes.

Be a mindful, transparent and an environmental business as possible

In anything we do we aim to do our best, be honest and be as human as possible. Any questions or queries we will answer in the best honest way we can, without using complicated jargon.

Always keeping the environment in mind when developing new things.

when creating new products or ideas we aim to think of the best way that will benefit the environment rather than harm. So you can trust you’re shopping ethically.


That’s our resolutions, what are yours? You’ve got the whole year save for that holiday, run a 5k, be more environmental or just make your bed every day!
We keep making resolutions every year so why stop now!

Chiminea Safety Tips!

Chiminea Safety Tips!

The fourth and final outside fire-appliance is the beautiful chiminea! Chimineas have been found in gardens for nearly half a century. Mainly used for central heating, their early designs can be traced back to Spain or Mexico. Traditionally placed near a window, the long neck of the design prevented smoke from collecting inside. Here are a few more safety tips to make sure you have safe and soothing summer evenings.


First of all, make sure the chiminea is sturdy and not likely to tip over. Three/four legged stands are available, and a foundation of brick will decrease the possibility of fire spreading.


Watch out for any low-hanging ornaments or branches. The chiminea should be in its own area, and a safe distance away from your home.


When starting your fire, do not use chemicals like kerosene or lighter fluid to start the fire. In addition to the harmful gases they produce, but the fires are far more unpredictable and difficult to contain. Instead, use a firestarter and kindling, with newspaper balls to allow the fire to burn slowly downwards. Firebuilder is a firelighter and kindling-in-one, and does not use any chemicals. Made out of recycled cardboard, the unique airflow technology allows the fire to start at a quick but manageable speed.

Top-down Method

The Top-Down Method is the safest and most effective way to start a fire in a chiminea. For a step-by-step guide, refer to the Firemizer FAQs here.


Keep a safe distance between you and the chiminea as the outside surface is likely to get very hot. Also keep a watchful eye on any pets or young children that could accidentally come into contact with the structure.


Finally, don’t leave any fire unattended. Most of all, make sure the chiminea is always in view, and that you have a bucket or water or hose handy.

5 ways to get the most out of Father’s Day this year!

Father’s Day

This Sunday marks every Dad’s favourite day of the year – Father’s day! The one-day that he can put on his favourite films, fall asleep on the sofa and nobody can complain. Father’s day is usually a very quiet Sunday, so why not surprise him and do something a little different? Here’s a list of five ideas to help get you started on making this year’s celebration a little different.


Does Dad love a bit of speed and the smell of burning rubber? Go-karting is the perfect opportunity to get him on the track and unleash his inner-speed demon! It’s an activity the whole family can get involved in too – start a family tournament and find out once and for all who the fastest in the family is!

Car Show

It seems like every Dad loves a good old car show – a chance to gaze at some Porsches or Ferraris. It might be boring to some, but to others it’s a chance to marvel at some iconic vehicles seen in films like James Bond or Back to the Future. Sometimes, you might even get a trip down memory lane about cars once owned and the wonderful memories that accompany.


Okay, bear with us one this one – especially if the weather is nice, it could be a prime opportunity to dust off Dad’s old golf clubs or that shiny new pair he got for Christmas that year and hit the links. Traditionally a very relaxing game that could take up the whole day, it’s a great way to enjoy a sunny Sunday.


If you’re hunting for something indoors (if the weather isn’t up to scratch), a cooking class could really help dad hone his culinary craft. Buy your ingredients from a local store and have a fun time creating one of his favourite meals! Be cautious though, the more fun you have, the more mess there’ll be to tidy up afterwards…


This one could encompass the whole weekend, but it would be a fantastic way to spread Father’s over the Sunday. It’s another great way to get involved, Dad might even teach you a few tricks – like starting a fire! For those who struggle to light the perfect fire every time, there’s Firebuilder. The unique draught technology of Firebuilder ensures that the airflow of the fire produces a fuller flame and faster heat production without the need for any extra kindling or the intrusion of chemicals like kerosene. That means there’s less time spent starting the fire, and more time to enjoy Dad’s stories by the fireside.



We’re officially halfway through the year – we’ve left behind the winter, and things are starting to brighten up. This doesn’t necessarily mean scorching temperatures and blues skies however; we might still have to deal with some rain. We can still make the most of the weather, wherever we are!

Nottingham vs. Columbus

The Firemizer team is split between the U.K. in Nottingham and the U.S. in Columbus OH, 6000 kilometres apart. We decided to take an average temperate and weather forecast and compare them at the end of the week. Amazingly, the temperature on one of Nottingham’s sunniest days was the same as a Columbus’ night – 18°C (or 65°F)! The typical temperature during Columbus days was around 82°F (27°C), a heat Brits won’t see until August, if at all. The weather itself remained very similar; overcast with bursts of sun, and of course the U.K. received far more rainfall.

Brighter Days Ahead

Though this week might have been a wet and miserable one for some, there’s still sunshine and holidays to come. BBQ weather is approaching, and if you want to get the most out of your solid fuel, consider Firebuilder! Entirely recycled and kerosene-free, this fire-starter will get your coals or logs burning without the need for any kindling. Placing a Firemizer underneath helps your fuel to burn evenly and more efficiently, meaning they’ll last up to 38% longer. Whether it’s for a BBQ feast, the home’s wood-stove or a glass of wine by the fire-pit, let Firemizer and Firebuilder fuel your summer.


And don’t forget to watch out for our pre-summer competition that could win you a FREE Firemizer and Firebuilder combo! Keep checking your emails for further details on how to make the most of your fuel this summer.

World Environment Day

The United Nations’ World Environment Day (held on June 5th) is a worldwide call to arms for environmental protection. Started in 1974, it has since gained global recognition and now involves the participation of over 100 countries. Instead of attempting legislative change in defence of the environment, World Environment Day is the ‘people’s day’ and encourages everyone to do something.

2018’s theme is concerned plastic pollution.

The recent ban on microbeads in toiletries and the plastic-bag charge are just some of the ways that the UK is contributing, whilst the US has announced a nationwide plan to reduce plastic straws. Microbeads (found in cosmetics and toothpastes) could slip through treatment plants and cause damage to the UKs rivers and lakes. The UK and US use around 550 million plastic straws a day (and they take 200 years to break down). Alternatives like paper, bamboo and reusable metal straws are available instead.

Collectively, we waste enough plastic every year to circle the earth four times. This means that recyclable and biodegradable products are more important than ever in the battle against plastics. Firemizer and Firebuilder are both completely plastic-free and entirely recycled products in cardboard packaging. Also, Firebuilder is even biodegradable too whilst Firemizer will reduce harmful air pollutants caused by burning fuel by up to 72%.

World Environment Day also has a different host country every year.

2018’s host is India. The country will engage in activities like local community plastic clean-up drives to national forest and beach cleaning. India sets a precedent for the world to follow. It takes the same time for Indian cricketer Hardik Pandya to bowl just one over for four rubbish trucks of plastic to be dumped into the ocean.

Organise a clean-up drive with your local community or simply pledge to cut out plastic straws for good. With everyone pitching in, we can make a significant difference in the fight for our planet’s health.

What are Brit’s favourite fireside stories?

As families in the UK become more time poor, Firemizer, creator of the handy household fuel and money-saving device, has launched a campaign to find the nation’s favourite fireside stories, encouraging families to spend more time together.

Whether it’s curling up around the campfire or settling down in front of an open range, humans have shared stories around the fire throughout history. Conversations around the campfire has played an important role in how we have developed as a species and according to research published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, ending the day around the campfire, where songs, stories and relationships blossomed, ultimately shaped cultures and perhaps even helped develop some of our ability to understand one another and cooperate.

Brian Irvine, CEO of Firemizer said, “For generations the fire has been the central point of the home and with more and more time-pressure being placed on families, we hope to encourage people to step away from the screens and share stories together.

“Whether that is reading or telling your favourite stories together, talking about your day or asking older generations to share memories – storytelling allows us to connect with each other on an emotional level.”

Creating time within your week to spend time together and talk and share stories helps young children to develop cognitive and communication skills and is an easy way for generations to spend quality time together.

The importance of the fire itself in storytelling has been discussed by anthropologist Polly Weissner. She said, “Fireside gatherings are often, although not always, composed of people of mixed sexes and ages. Body language is dimmed by firelight and awareness of self and others is reduced. Facial expressions—flickering with the flames—are either softened, or in the case of fear or anguish, accentuated.”

From ghost stories to childhood memories or camping capers, with summer just around the corner, Firemizer is now searching for the best campfire stories and memories to be compiled into an anthology for families to share together throughout the warmer weather. To submit your fireside stories visit or #firemizer on Twitter by Saturday 30 June.

May Day Weekend

May Day Bank Holiday Weekend

Over the May Day bank holiday weekend, you may find yourself stuck for things to do with that extra day. Instead of sleeping in or watching TV, here’s a list of cheap, alternative things to get you out the house.


Walking Tours in London

If you live in the countryside and want a change of scenery, why not head to the sprawling London metropolis? There’s a wealth of landmarks and tourist attractions that we so often forget are on our doorstep. In the interest of keeping it cheap and cheerful, there are over 40 free walking tours on offer to you. These range from historic walks through the park, to the strip between Buckingham Palace and St. Paul’s Cathedral, to the London Outer Orbital Path (LOOP) that takes you through stately monuments and houses.

Cheese-Chasers in Gloucester

This strangely appealing annual event always promises not to disappoint. In Brockworth, Gloucester, hordes of competitors throw themselves down a hill in order to catch the prized wheel of cheese. Yes, you read that correctly. An 8lb wheel of Double Gloucester cheese is chased down the famed Cooper’s Hill and the first to the finish line is crowned Cheese Champion.

Pet Animals in Newcastle

Just outside of Newcastle city centre in Jesmond Dene is a little haven that the little ones will enjoy. Filled with standard pigs and rabbits (as well as rarer alpacas and tropical birds) this petting zoo will delight all! It’s free entry with a soft play area and café, so if you’re in the area and stuck for ideas, this is an easy fix.

Host a Garden Party

Getting out of the house doesn’t necessarily require going far; weather permitting, invite friends over for an impromptu garden party! Soak up the sunlight and maybe even get a barbecue going – get it started easier using a Firebuilder and help it last up to 38% with a Firemizer! If the weather isn’t so good, swap garden for a cheese and wine night, and use Firemizer in your wood or coal burning stove or fireplace instead!

Take a walk in the Peak District

Over April and May, walkers take to the hills making the most of the year’s first bouts of good weather. With so many various trails to choose from, from mountain heights to valley lows, to fit your experience level. Take a day out for a quick escape or organise a longer trail over the full weekend, all you need are comfy shoes and a weather proof coat!


There are just some of the cheap, wonderful ways to get the most of your this bank holiday this year!

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