Tag: Eco-friendly

Four Common Mistakes When Using Wood Stoves

Wood stoves are a great way to reduce your heating bill as well as providing aesthetic value to our homes.

However, burning wood takes some preparation and you have to make sure it is ready to burn safely through the winter months.

Below are 4 major mistakes people make with their wood stoves!

Not inspecting & cleaning your stove

You need to make sure your stove and chimney are ready for the season. There are a few things you’ll need to check

  1. Examine the firebrick lining and see if it needs replacing  – the lining will keep the stove from overheating
  2. Make sure the chimney is cleaned. This will prevent chimney fires and help your stove burn more efficiently.
  3. Check the sealed door. You want a tight seal to make sure smoke doesn’t enter your house. The cord that’s around the door may need replacing on occasion.

Don’t neglect these steps as you could be at risk of a chimney or house fire.

Not having enough fuel

Running out of fuel in the middle of winter is not ideal. It is best practice to have too much wood than too little. How much you’ll need will depend on several things;

  • How large your house is
  • The efficiency of your stove
  • They type of wood you’ll burn
  • How often your light your stove
  • Not storing your wood properly

Once you have your wood you need to make sure it is stored in the correct place it could affect the performance of your stove.

You don’t want your wood to get too wet as burning wet wood reduces the efficiency of your stove.

The best practice is to keep the wood out of the way in a dry shed and on a pallet so the air can circulate. Check out another blog about storing your wood!

Not having a backup plan

If something happens to your wood supply then you need alternatives. Some will burn quickly while others with smoulder for a while.

  1. Rolled old jeans
  2. Rolled paper logs
  3. Coffee logs
Bonus mistake

Not using the Firemizer winter pack! This will help you light your fire with an odourless firelighter and firemizer will increase your fire efficiency and reduce harmful particulates. 

Are you prepared for the winter season?

Deforestation and its environmental effects


This week’s topic will be all about an on-going crisis facing our planet – deforestation. Statistically, the earth loses 19 million acres of forestry per year. Also, deforestation contributes massively to climate change – about 15% of all global emissions come from the process of deforestation.

Other effects of Deforestation

There are many far more immediate consequences too. Firstly, deforestation causes the loss of animal habitats, which in turn results in massive extinctions. The water absorbed by the trees and the soil beneath are ruined and can enter into larger water systems. This decreases the quality of the water, and contributes to poor health and the spread of disease. Also, deforestation results in the disturbance of many of the native tribes that reside in rainforests. Furthermore in the Amazon alone, there are over 350 different tribes and deforestation is ruining their homes, food and water supplies.

What can we do?

Recycling, reducing your carbon footprint and choosing greener alternatives are the best places to start. Regarding wood burning in your homes, always ensure your wood comes from a sustainable source. Also, using a Firemizer will not only reduce harmful air pollutants by 72%, but helps your fuel last 38% longer. Placing a Firemizer on the base of your wood-burning stove or fireplace will allow the wood to burn more evenly, meaning that there are no clumps of unused fuel in your ash. Therefore, less wood is wasted in heating your home saving you trips to the wood store, and more trees for the planet.

Money Back Guarantee!

Money Back Guarantee!

Now that the summer is winding down and the wonderful weather is becoming a distant memory, we look towards Christmas. The days are getting colder and the nights are getting longer, so naturally it’s time to plan ahead. The summers can get expensive – holidays, day trips, meals with friends, so it’s not unusual to start thinking about money. Therefore this week, the focus will be all about how Firemizer can help you start saving money right away.

How does it work?

Firstly, Firemizer boasts an exceptionally efficient nature that helps to save you over a third of your solid fuel source. By slowing down the airflow to the body of the fire, Firemizer reduces the burn-rate. Its stainless-steel-alloy mesh evenly distributes the heat across the entire base of your wood or coal-burning stove or fireplace. Simply place beneath your solid fuel and leave inside your stove or fireplace. Firemizer will help your fuel to burn more evenly, ensuring none of it is wasted. It immediately starts helping you save on energy bills from the second it’s placed under your fire until the end of its lifespan (around 500 burn hours, one season). Through the reduction of creosote tars, it also ensures that overall chimney maintenance will be far less extensive.

Are there any other benefits?

Firemizer is a helpful tool in the battle against climate change; non-catalytic, chemical-free has entirely recycled cardboard packaging. It reduces general air pollutants by 72%, meaning there is a significant reduction in gases emitted by solid fuel fires.

What if I’m still unsure?

Of course, Firemizer’s benefits seem too good to be true, which is why we offer a money-back guarantee – we’re that confident! If you haven’t seen any improvements, simply contact us (regional details found on respective websites). We can offer a replacement Firemizer or a full money-back refund, so there’s really nothing to lose.


Pick up a Firemizer today and start burning better fires and saving money this winter.

How to make the perfect pizza using your Pizza Oven!

This week’s focus is the mighty garden appliance – the pizza oven! If you’re lucky enough to have one of these incredible structures at home, now is the time to use it. Not only does it provide a great opportunity to invite friends over, it produces some excellent, restaurant-quality pizza. And really – who doesn’t love pizza? Make it as meaty as you like, smother it in veggies, give it a spicy kick or keep it simple. There’s a combination of pizza toppings for everyone out there. This week, we’re going to be giving you some simple steps to creating the perfect pizza with your pizza oven.

Get it hot!

Firstly, you need to make sure your pizza oven is at the right temperature to cook the pizza thoroughly, and since you’ll be cooking with wood traditionally, this could take some time. Using a Firebuilder will get your fire started easier and quicker, and doesn’t require the use of chemicals like kerosene. It differs from pizza oven to pizza oven, but generally it should be at about 300°C – 570°F.

Make the best base!

Regardless of if you’re using a pre-made base or have made your own from scratch, don’t smother it in sauce. Leave space at the rim for the crust to raise, and evenly spread the cheese and toppings. Have fun with the toppings too – try out interesting new combinations, you never know what could work!

Give it a spin!

Because of the dome-like structure of the pizza oven, a lot of the heat output is directed towards the back. While the pizza is cooking, make sure to spin the base by 180° every few minutes. This will ensure the pizza is cooked evenly, and you won’t be left with any raw dough or toppings. Make sure you’re using heat-proof gloves, safety first!

Timing is everything!

Unlike a gas oven, at the right temperature cooking in a pizza oven will only take up to five minutes. Check to see if the cheese is bubbling and slightly browned but not burned. The outside crust should be slightly brown and crunchy, but the inside should be soft and with a brown underneath. If you’re cooking multiple pizzas, make sure the oven stays at that perfect temperature. Placing a Firemizer on the base will help the wood to burn more evenly and efficiently, and keep that temperature higher for longer. It will also preserve the life of the wood inside the oven, meaning less trips back to the wood store.

Using your BBQ this Summer with Firemizer and Firebuilder!

Using your BBQ this Summer with Firemizer and Firebuilder!

Continuing our month focused on the furnishings that help enjoy the outside in Summer, this week it’s all about BBQs! Like the fire-pit, the BBQ is often the centrepiece of any outside gathering, as everybody loves party food. From burgers and hot-dogs, to corn and kebabs, and cheese and veggies, there’s nothing a BBQ can’t handle! Therefore, whatever your dietary restrictions, there’s food on offer from everyone – vegetarian, vegan or meat-lover. Here’s a list of some great vegetarian recipes if you’re interested in trying something different this summer – https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/collection/vegetarian-barbecue

Using Firemizer and Firebuilder with your BBQ

Firemizer is a really handy tool to have beneath your coal BBQ. It’ll get your coals hotter much faster, help them to burn more efficiently and last up to a third longer, and reduce any harmful pollutants emitted by 72%. Simply place it on the base of your BBQ, place the coals on top, and start it like normal and see the different. In addition, why not use Firebuilder to start a perfect fire every time? With no kerosene, the food will be free from any harmful chemicals to keep your food tasting great. Just break the cardboard brick, light the edges, place it on top of your solid fuel and let the fire burn downwards.

JustAverageJen’s BBQ with Firemizer

Blogger JustAverageJen wrote about her experiences using Firemizer in her BBQ last summer, as well as other BBQ essential tips. Cooking for both vegetarians and meat-lovers, Jen’s advice is for anyone wanting to host a perfect BBQ this summer. She evens explains that Firemizer allowed her to “cook more items than normal as [the fire] was still hot so we cooked some food for the following day!”

Read the rest of Jen’s advice here at https://www.justaveragejen.com/2017/06/bbq-week-my-bbq-essentials.html, and read her blog for more excellent lifestyle and dietary advice.

Fun things to do around the Fire-pit this Summer!


Fun things to do around the Fire-pit this Summer!

Fire-pits are quickly becoming the centrepiece in any garden – just like the hearth, the fire-pit becomes a centralized meeting point. Now that the weather is beautiful once again, spending the days and evenings outside seems far less discouraging. An afternoon relaxing with a book, dinners outside, a drink with friends, the garden has much more room and ambience to offer than any inside room. If you’re planning a gathering of friends and family, try some of these fun activities to make the night memorable.

Sweets and Treats!

When hosting an outside activity around a fire, the go-to activity is usually centred around food. Hot dogs make a great savory treat when accompanied by ketchup and mustard, a BBQ classic! Nobody wants to wait around for food, so getting your fire started quicker and stronger is crucial. Using a Firebuilder makes starting your fire easier than ever – simply break the cardboard brick, light the edges, place it on top of your solid fuel and let the fire burn downwards. As a kindling-and-firestarter-in-one (with no added chemicals like kerosene) your fire will be roaring before you know it.

If you’re looking for something on the sweeter side, there’s no fireside food better than the S’more. Here’s a simply recipe from Hershey’s themselves to make the perfect S’more this summer – https://www.hersheys.com/en_us/recipes/smores.html


It might sound cheesy, but sometimes there’s really nothing better than a good group sing-along around the fire! Grab your guitar and strike a few chords, you’re bound to find a song that everyone knows the words to. You can even bring out some kitchen objects and get a full DIY orchestra going!

Stories and memories!

Whether it’s a spooky ghost story, or an embarrassing memory, stories by the fireside are a time-old tradition. With the added help of Firemizer, your solid fuel will last up to a third longer, meaning less interference and more time to share. Simply place a Firemizer at the base of your fire-pit, place your fuel on top and let the unique steel-alloy grid help your fuel to burn more evenly and efficiently (whilst also reducing any harmful pollutants by 72%).


Get the most out of your fire-pit this Summer with the help of Firebuilder and Firemizer, and make those summer nights last as long as possible.

Chimney Sweep FAQs

How often should I have my chimney cleaned and maintained?

This week’s blog topic is the importance of keeping chimneys well maintained and clean after continual use. A good rule of thumb is to have your chimney cleaned by a certified professional at least once a year. If it is more often than not the prime source of heating in your house, you might want to consider having it swept more. Ask your chimney sweep for their advice on how often it should be serviced. Do not ever attempt to clean the chimney yourself – you could end up doing causing damage to your chimney. It’s important to call a certified chimney sweep as they know the typical signs of creosote build-up and nesting wildlife.


Why is it important to have my chimney cleaned and maintained?

The continual maintenance of your chimney is central to its efficiency and heat output. The chimney sweep aims to remove all the creosote build-up on the inside of the chimney to prevent chimney fires. Creosote is a highly flammable substance that results from the regular burning of certain types of wood (especially pine). Using Firemizer with your solid fuel is proven to reduce creosote by 57% and helps your fuel burn 38% longer. By having your chimney properly maintained, it ensures that you’re getting the most out of your fireplace or stove. There’s no fear of chimney fires, a release of harmful gasses or any unexpected wildlife nesting inside. Animals like birds, squirrels or small insects can also cause long-term damage to the structural stability of the chimney.


When should I start thinking about servicing my chimney?

A year between each service is recommended, and the best time to get it serviced is before the burning season. Anytime during the summer or early autumn is ideal to make sure your chimney is in perfect shape once the weather turns colder. Seek out your local chimney sweeps and book in early to ensure you’re getting the most out of your chimney.

World Environment Day

The United Nations’ World Environment Day (held on June 5th) is a worldwide call to arms for environmental protection. Started in 1974, it has since gained global recognition and now involves the participation of over 100 countries. Instead of attempting legislative change in defence of the environment, World Environment Day is the ‘people’s day’ and encourages everyone to do something.

2018’s theme is concerned plastic pollution.

The recent ban on microbeads in toiletries and the plastic-bag charge are just some of the ways that the UK is contributing, whilst the US has announced a nationwide plan to reduce plastic straws. Microbeads (found in cosmetics and toothpastes) could slip through treatment plants and cause damage to the UKs rivers and lakes. The UK and US use around 550 million plastic straws a day (and they take 200 years to break down). Alternatives like paper, bamboo and reusable metal straws are available instead.

Collectively, we waste enough plastic every year to circle the earth four times. This means that recyclable and biodegradable products are more important than ever in the battle against plastics. Firemizer and Firebuilder are both completely plastic-free and entirely recycled products in cardboard packaging. Also, Firebuilder is even biodegradable too whilst Firemizer will reduce harmful air pollutants caused by burning fuel by up to 72%.

World Environment Day also has a different host country every year.

2018’s host is India. The country will engage in activities like local community plastic clean-up drives to national forest and beach cleaning. India sets a precedent for the world to follow. It takes the same time for Indian cricketer Hardik Pandya to bowl just one over for four rubbish trucks of plastic to be dumped into the ocean.

Organise a clean-up drive with your local community or simply pledge to cut out plastic straws for good. With everyone pitching in, we can make a significant difference in the fight for our planet’s health.

What are Brit’s favourite fireside stories?

As families in the UK become more time poor, Firemizer, creator of the handy household fuel and money-saving device, has launched a campaign to find the nation’s favourite fireside stories, encouraging families to spend more time together.

Whether it’s curling up around the campfire or settling down in front of an open range, humans have shared stories around the fire throughout history. Conversations around the campfire has played an important role in how we have developed as a species and according to research published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, ending the day around the campfire, where songs, stories and relationships blossomed, ultimately shaped cultures and perhaps even helped develop some of our ability to understand one another and cooperate.

Brian Irvine, CEO of Firemizer said, “For generations the fire has been the central point of the home and with more and more time-pressure being placed on families, we hope to encourage people to step away from the screens and share stories together.

“Whether that is reading or telling your favourite stories together, talking about your day or asking older generations to share memories – storytelling allows us to connect with each other on an emotional level.”

Creating time within your week to spend time together and talk and share stories helps young children to develop cognitive and communication skills and is an easy way for generations to spend quality time together.

The importance of the fire itself in storytelling has been discussed by anthropologist Polly Weissner. She said, “Fireside gatherings are often, although not always, composed of people of mixed sexes and ages. Body language is dimmed by firelight and awareness of self and others is reduced. Facial expressions—flickering with the flames—are either softened, or in the case of fear or anguish, accentuated.”

From ghost stories to childhood memories or camping capers, with summer just around the corner, Firemizer is now searching for the best campfire stories and memories to be compiled into an anthology for families to share together throughout the warmer weather. To submit your fireside stories visit www.facebook.com/firemizer or #firemizer on Twitter by Saturday 30 June.

Earth Day 2018

Earth Day 2018

April 22nd is Earth Day, a day to celebrate the world’s largest environmental movement. Started in 1970, the Earth Day movement has mobilised over 200 million people worldwide since going global 20 years later. Over 1 billion people and 50,000 partners across nearly 195 countries all contribute to the yearly observation of this day. Moreover, it has influenced substantial change in approaches towards climate change and influenced that passing of acts such as the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act and the Endangered Species Act.


Founded by Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson, he sought to bring about change after witnessing a devastating oil spill in 1969. Done alongside the counter-culture movements and student-led anti-war protest in America, Nelson used this momentum to educated about climate change. Furthermore, after years of mounting success in educating and inspiring the world to confront and change our attitudes towards how we treat the planet, Nelson was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1995.

A Billion Acts of Green:

In 2010, in the face of opposition from climate change deniers and oil-lobbyists, the Earth Day Network launched its most ambitious scheme yet – to get people across the world to commit 1 billion acts of environmental service. These acts ranged from small, personal commitments like Meat-Free Mondays, into global tree-planting initiatives like The Canopy Project. As it stands, we’ve reached over 2 and a half billion Green Acts, with a new goal of 3 billion. Find out how you can help reach this goal here. Equally, using a Firemizer reduces air pollutants by 72%, and Firebuilder is kerosene-free firebuilder that’s made of entirely recycled cardboard. Using these two products can drastically reduce your carbon footprint and inch us towards those 3 billion Acts of Green.

2018’s Theme

Additionally, the theme for this year Earth Day is ‘end plastic pollution’ – did you know that the UK and US throw away over 550 million plastic straws every day that eventually find their way to our oceans? These cause serious damage to natural ecosystems and tiny micro-particles find their way from our oceans to our tap water. This year, commit yourself to stop using disposable plastics and instead seek out environmentally friendly alternatives. Purchase a re-usable bag for shopping, acquire your own reusable water bottle instead of buying another, and wash-up metal cutlery instead of throwing away plastic knives and forks. End the needless use of disposable plastic products and make your contribution to Earth Day this April!


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