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What is Your Carbon Footprint?

Carbon Footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere as a result of the activities of a particular individual, organization, or community.


‘We only have 12 years to save the planet!’ 


With headlines like this, it is time to start thinking about our own carbon footprint and what we can do to help! Since its big energy saving week, why not look at changing to a cleaner energy provider. The big clean switch runs clean energy switches where you can find the best deal. This might be cheaper for you so what’s to lose?


what is Clean energy?
Clean energy comes from the earth’s natural resources (sunlight, wind, waves and tides). There are two advantages for clean energy, it will never run out and it doesn’t pollute the environment or cause us harm, unlike oil, coal and gas. It’s versatile,  abundant and perfect for the UK. We have the best access to the cleanest energy, wind and tidal resources meet our energy needs.


Clean energy meets around a quarter of electricity demands in the UK.


How to change your carbon footprint


Reduce Waste! 
Did you know that wasted food in the UK represents 14 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions! Everything you can do to avoid sending unwanted waste to landfill will benefit the environment. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle!
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Support Clean Energy!
Make sure water and energy ratings are as efficient as possible on products. The world can have renewable energy by 2050. Buy showing that you want clean you can help increase demand.carbon footprint
Travel Smart!
You don’t need to walk everywhere, maybe cycle or car share. if you do need a car look for low emissions or invest in a hybrid or electric car
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Realistically the changes that need to be made won’t happen overnight. But more people that are aware the better chances we have of reducing our carbon footprint and the effect of climate change and air pollution.
We aim at Firemizer to do all we can help the environment. Our research team are currently in the process of calculating and publishing our carbon footprint and to improve it for the future.
We are proud to say that Firemizer can help reduce harmful emissions by 72%. There’s no downside to that!
To find out your carbon footprint use the calculator at WWF


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