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World Environment Day

The United Nations’ World Environment Day (held on June 5th) is a worldwide call to arms for environmental protection. Started in 1974, it has since gained global recognition and now involves the participation of over 100 countries. Instead of attempting legislative change in defence of the environment, World Environment Day is the ‘people’s day’ and encourages everyone to do something.

2018’s theme is concerned plastic pollution.

The recent ban on microbeads in toiletries and the plastic-bag charge are just some of the ways that the UK is contributing, whilst the US has announced a nationwide plan to reduce plastic straws. Microbeads (found in cosmetics and toothpastes) could slip through treatment plants and cause damage to the UKs rivers and lakes. The UK and US use around 550 million plastic straws a day (and they take 200 years to break down). Alternatives like paper, bamboo and reusable metal straws are available instead.

Collectively, we waste enough plastic every year to circle the earth four times. This means that recyclable and biodegradable products are more important than ever in the battle against plastics. Firemizer and Firebuilder are both completely plastic-free and entirely recycled products in cardboard packaging. Also, Firebuilder is even biodegradable too whilst Firemizer will reduce harmful air pollutants caused by burning fuel by up to 72%.

World Environment Day also has a different host country every year.

2018’s host is India. The country will engage in activities like local community plastic clean-up drives to national forest and beach cleaning. India sets a precedent for the world to follow. It takes the same time for Indian cricketer Hardik Pandya to bowl just one over for four rubbish trucks of plastic to be dumped into the ocean.

Organise a clean-up drive with your local community or simply pledge to cut out plastic straws for good. With everyone pitching in, we can make a significant difference in the fight for our planet’s health.

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