Tag: warm

Earth Hour

Earth Hour

Following on from last week’s commemorative International Day of Forests, this week we celebrate Earth Hour! Hosted by the World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF), the event encourages everyone to show his or her commitment to the planet. It has not fixed date other than it takes place at the end of March – this year it’s March 24th. Between the hours of 8:30 – 9:30pm, from individuals to communities to business, everyone is encouraged to turn off non-essential lights. This is to display a unified message of solidarity, a symbol of commitment in protecting preserving our beautiful planet. It is not an exercise is reducing energy however, but rather a simply gesture that highlights the fight against pollution.

Earth Hour’s History:

The event originated in 2007 when Sydney turned off all the lights of their major landmarks. The following year saw 35 countries join in, and larger companies like Google shut down their websites. Over the succeeding ten years, various TV and Radio stations have joined the cause in going ‘dark’ for the hour. Last year, 187 countries and territories took part, from New York to New Zealand; over 3,100 landmarks turned their lights off, nearly 16,000 Facebook pages donated their feed, and #EarthHour trended in 30 countries.

Do Your Part:

Doing your part is as effortless as turning off lights at home, or as involved as hosting a candlelit dinner! Get your workplace involved and go ‘dark’ for the hour, or turn off your phone, grab a bunch of friends and go enjoy a walk in the park – it’s that easy to take part and spread awareness of the cause.

It is all in the name of showing solidarity and support for the protection of our planet. Firemizer and Firebuilder are both emission-reducing, recyclable products – Firemizer helps reduce your solid fuel consumption and amount of particulates produced by your fire, and Firebuilder is completely kerosene and chemical-free, meaning your fires stay clean and green.

Keep updated over at the Earth Hour blog and post your contributions using the hashtags #EarthHour and #togetherpossible.

The History of Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day

We do love our Mums – it seems a bit lazy to shower them in gifts just once a year. We should be doing this every day of the year, just twice as much on Mother’s day! It doesn’t take much to put a smile on her face; make her breakfast in bed, buy some nice chocolates and flowers, let her put her feet up and relax while you do the jobs and take the load off. Maybe even put on her favourite film and get the fire on (a difficult job made much easier by Firebuilder)? Or run a nice hot bath with some lovely new salts and scrubs? Or give her something personal and hand-made, here are 36 DIY Mother’s Day Gift Ideas to get you started.


History of Mother’s Day

Did you know that the reason America and Britain celebrate Mother’s Day on different dates is because they’re different holidays? America celebrates ‘Mother’s Day’ on the second Sunday in May, founded by Anna Jarvis in 1908. She became the campaign to get her holiday observed by U.S. states in 1905 after he mother had died. It wasn’t until 1914 that President Woodrow Wilson officially signed a proclamation that made ‘Mother’s Day’ a national holiday. Despite being the founder of the holiday, Anna grew to the resent it due to its growing commercialisation. Hallmark began selling gifts in the 1920s and she believed gifts should be personal, handwritten instead of pre-made cards.

The U.K. technically celebrates ‘Mothering Sunday’, a Catholic and Protestant holiday held on the fourth Sunday of Lent. In the 16th Century, people would return to their mother church (usually where they were baptised) during Lent. The phrase to do this was ‘to go a-mothering’, but the day gradually evolved into a day in which domestic servants were free to visit church with their mothers – usually the only time they were free to do so. After Jarvis’s campaign in the US, Constance Penwick-Smith sought in 1914 for the holiday to be celebrated in the UK. Like Hallmark, UK vendors saw the commercial appeal and by the 1950s, the two holidays eventually merged into one.


Though the histories of these two holidays is different, they are celebrated quite the same – in honour of Mums everywhere.

Green Olive’s Kiln-Dried Hardwood and Olive Wood

We tried and tested Green Olive’s Kiln-Dried Hardwood and Olive Wood!  

The people over at Green Olive were lovely enough to send us some of Kiln-Dried Hardwood and Olive Wood. Paired with Firemizer and Firebuilder, we cleaned our stove, patted the ash off and got to work burning these logs!

Olive Wood Logs

After getting our stove-fire started with a Firebuilder, we threw on a few of the Olive Wood logs. As a natural, low-moisture wood untreated by chemicals, these logs were lightweight and attractive (if not slightly too big). These logs did take a while to get going, but once they were, they lasted far longer than standard logs. This may have reduced the amount of heat given off however, as our thermometer gave consistently lower readings. The flame produced by the Olive Wood was a noticeably more regal-golden colour and the smell – oh the smell! The entire house was filled with a lovely olive scent that was closer to an Italian restaurant than a wood-fire. There was no smoke or steam coming off the fire, just bright yellow flames and that delicious smell. Despite the slow start and reduced heat output, the logs burned for much longer than normal logs and (with the help of Firemizer) burned evenly and continuously.

Kiln-Dried Hardwood

The Kiln-Dried Hardwood came in much thicker, denser logs that instantly smothered the Firebuilder’s flame before it could become established. Instead, we attempt to use the top-down method of starting a fire so we could get to use the Hardwood. The top-down method is simple –

  1. Place your logs in a neat pile at the bottom, on top of the Firemizer.
  2. Put kindling on top of them, with scrunched up balls of newspaper if needed.
  3. Position your firelighter (or our Firebuilder) at the very top. The wood and kindling should resemble a tepee shape.
  4. Light the Firebuilder and let the fire establish downwards, catching on the newspaper, the kindling and then the wood.
  5. Once the fire is going, add more logs if/when necessary.

The Hardwood was far more effective for us using the top-down method, and within 30 minutes the fire was roaring. It needed minimal interference too, just the occasional handful of newspaper to prevent the flames being smothered under the logs. The flame understandably wasn’t as golden as the Olive wood, but it gave off was that familiar smell of good-wood-burning. It also didn’t give off much steam or smoke either, keeping the stove’s glass doors clean and free of soot.

Both types of wood presented their individual challenges; the Olive Wood needed that extra bit of time to become established, and the Hardwood was often too dense and heavy for standard lighting methods that just used a firelighter. However, both types certainly had their rewards for persevering – the smell of the Hardwood was wonderful, whilst the Olive Wood lasted much longer and presented a dazzling golden flame. Pick up a bag for yourself and see which best suits your stove or hearth at https://www.greenolivefirewood.co.uk/.


5 reasons why you should invest in a wood-burner

5 reasons why you should invest in a wood-burner:

Wood-burning is a popular trend that has escalated both in the UK and U.S. over the last decade or so. 1.5 million stoves are already fitted in Britain whilst 2.5 million American homes use wood as their primary heat source. The state of California in particular contributes 218,185 wood-burners to the 116 million total homes in the U.S. The reason for this rise in this popularity can be related to the environment, saving money or simply interior design preferences. Here are 5 reasons why you should invest in a wood-burning fire.

1. Wood is essentially carbon neutral. –

Though wood does release carbon dioxide when combusted, it can still be environmentally conscious. Unlike other fossil fuels, wood can be sustainable if bought from somewhere that ensures the replacement of every tree felled. This means that for every tree chopped down, another is planted, meaning the source can become entirely renewable. Wood-burning fires can however still release harmful pollutants and smoke if the wood hasn’t been dried or seasoned properly. Reduce harmful air pollutants by up to 72% if paired with a Firemizer.

2. They’re more efficient than hearths. –

Modern wood-burning stoves now come with efficiency ratings of somewhere between 80-85% whereas hearth will typically have around 20-25%. This means a wood-burning stove is about three times more efficient. Firemizer helps your fuel burn more slower and evenly, helping maintain this efficiency.

3. They can save you money. –

As the price of gas and electricity continues to rise, many houses are swapping to wood-powered heaters and boilers as a cheaper alternative. Again, locally-sourced wood is not only renewable but can also work out cheaper than your current energy provider. Also, gas or electricity services are often prone to power outages, whereas a well-maintained fire can burn all night. With Firemizer saving you 38% on solid fuel, you can reduce a third of the wood you burn too.

4. Wood-stoves are so versatile. –

Modern advancements haven’t just helped the efficiency of wood-stoves; they’ve also created a huge range to choose from. As long as there’s room to run a vent pipe to the outside, they can be fitted in any room of the house – from lounge to bedroom to kitchen. A Firemizer grid can easily be cut down to fit smaller stoves too.

5. They create a lovely scene. –

There’s no denying that wood-burning stoves have a certain romantic aesthetic to them. The sounds of crackling embers, the smell of firewood, the sight of roaring flames and the warmth they give off. A wood-burning stove or fire makes any room a domestic heaven we so often swoon over in the movies. With Firebuilder, the firelighter-kindling combo tool, starting your dream fire couldn’t be any easier – turning your home into a movie-set!

Contact your local Flue specialist or chimney sweep to get an expert opinion on what type and size of stove would best suit your home, and start reaping the benefits of the wood-burning fire (with a Firemizer and Firebuilder) as soon as possible!

How to build a Log-Store

Why is a Log-Store important?

With the winter nearly over, we should take advice from those animals waking up from hibernation – it’s never too early to start preparing for next year! So while they’re out collecting their food, why not think about getting a log-store to collect and keep more wood in to burn next winter?

Correct storing is essential to getting the most out of your wood as this allows the necessary seasoning, ideally for 6-12 months. Otherwise it is likely burn for less time and produce less heat, potentially emitting dangerous and environmentally-damaging smoke. Planning ahead for winter is incredibly important, so a log-store will help get the most out of your fuel when the fire is needed.

There are a few requirements your wood will need when getting a log-store – firstly, shelter. In order to keep your wood dry and let it season properly, protection from the elements is vital. Be sure to position the log-store in a place that isn’t constantly harassed by inclement weather and that it has a sturdy frame with a sloped roof to keep the rain out!

The other necessity of your store is space. Not only must the depth align with log size, but the wood also needs air circulating around it to help it dry out, so slatted side panels are a must. Also, don’t just put the larger logs at the bottom and smaller on top, mix up shapes and sizes or chop them down to provide enough breathing room between each piece.


How to build a Log-Store:

In the interest of saving money, building your own log-store couldn’t be easier or cheaper! All it takes is a few pallets (which local businesses can provide for free), four wooden posts, general tools (such as a hammer and galvanised nails) and a few hours of time and labour.

  1. First, use the pallets as the store base – either one or two pallets wide, depending on how many logs you intend on storing.
  2. Secure your four wooden posts into the ground at each corner of the pallet base – if you want to go all out, use sand and cement mix to keep them in place. Make sure the front or back two posts are slightly taller to allow for your sloped-roof!
  3. Break down a few pallets or use wooden planks to use as slatted side and back panels, spaced evenly and secured in place with nails.
  4. Do the same for the roof but without allowing space between-panels – keep that rain out!
  5. When storing, space out your wood shapes and sizes to allow maximum air circulation so it can season.

It’s that easy to craft your own log-store and start getting the most out of your firewood in winter, and with the addition of a Firemizer, your fuel can last up to 38% longer – meaning less trips back outside to grab some more!

How-to use Firemizer & Firebuilder

Instructions for how to use Firemizer & Firebuilder together:

Unsure of how to get the most out of your Firemizer and Firebuilder? Follow these easy steps:

  • Firstly, place your Firemizer on the base or grate of your domestic stove or fireplace.
  • Secondly, place one Firebuilder flat on the grate (tip: one grid easily snaps into two for smaller grates or stoves, meaning a box of 5 can potentially start you 10 fires).
  • Light under the edge of the Firebuilder, or if you’ve snapped it in two, at one of middle two corners.
  • Allow the Firebuilder to ignite through its unique draught technology and wait for the flames to become established.
  • Add fuel, sit back, and enjoy a beautiful fire that lasts even longer. Firebuilder doubles as kindling, so there’s no need to disturb it once it’s roaring.

Alternatively you can watch the video below to achieve a better understanding!

Firemizer’s round-up of 2017!

2017 is over!

As we finish the last of the turkey, now seems a perfect time to reflect on the successes of 2017. with growing purchases of Firemizer in the US market and the introduction of its sister-product Firebuilder in the UK market, homes across both continents have been enjoying their fireplaces and wood-burning stoves for cheaper and longer over the festive period.

Firemizer (a unique heat grid that is easy to use and optimises the performance of solid fuel fires and stoves) continued its strong sales in the UK market and concluded 2017 with its best month of US website sales in December. Firebuilder (an odourless and kerosene-free firelighter that doubles as kindling) enjoyed a strong introduction to the UK market. They received some glowing reviews –


  • Green & beauty blogger Fifi Friendly said “Honest pants on, I was a little sceptical and set out to test their claims. Better heat, longer burn time, money-saving and easier to clean… bonus! It totally works.”
  • UK-based-attractions website What’s Good To Do described the combination of Firemizer and Firebuilder as able to produce a “warm room very quickly in half the time of my usual fires. These items are without
    Kerosene and odourless, quicker and also made of recycled material so have to recommend them.”
  • Green living Eco Fluffy Mama thought that it “actually made the fire look really pretty. It’s also made cleaning out the ash pan a much more pleasant experience.”
  • French-based Family bloggers Family Makes reported that “our son has been working over there and has certainly seen the benefit. Hhe seems to be using fewer logs, and they last longer and burn more thoroughly.”
  • Craft with Cartwright, a freelance illustrator and craftswoman, taught us how Firemizer is the perfect companion to a BBQ – “it slows down the air flow and reduces the burn rate […] giving you a longer time period to cook for, great when you are entertaining from lunch into evening.” On her BBQ essentials, health blogger Just Average Jen mentioned that Firemizer allowed her to “cook more items than normal as it was still hot so we cooked some food for the following day!”
  • Finally, videogame and tech enthusiast DadGeek said “it gave us a really decent campfire all evening and well into the night. I’d really recommend it for people who are heavy/regular users of a fire pit or barbecue. The main benefit is going to be those mid-to-long term fuel savings.”


Firemizer also found itself featured in national newspaper The Sun’s ‘Sun Savers’. This featured a collection of products that help to save money during the chilly November months.

Our top tips for beating the chills of November without racking up huge bills — plus find out high street deals from Sun Savers


In 2017, Microtex attended its first Exhibition show – the Grand Designs Exhibition show held in Birmingham’s NEC Arena. Over the course of five (very long but rewarding) days, we had the chance to speak face-to-face with new customers and old supporters of Firemizer and Firebuilder and convey the true ingenuity of the products ourselves. We loved it; we’re even booked to exhibit at the Columbus Home & Garden Show and Countryfile Live this year!

Other Developments

The Firemizer team also participated in Movember last year, trying our hardest to grow out our moustaches in the name of changing the face of men’s health. Though our facial hair wasn’t that impressive, the £292 that we raised certainly was. Here’s to another great Movember helping a great cause!

2017 also marked the beginning of a partnership with Canadian fan and heating manufacturer Caframo. With new packaging, Firemizer is now available to buy on Amazon!

And now 2018 is upon us, Firemizer and Firebuilder are enjoying a completely refreshed website, courtesy of m360 graphic designers – the new website features a cleaner layout, updated research findings and is generally more streamlined and intuitive. This means that buying with us has never been quicker or easier! Be sure to look out for our new website launch in the coming days.

Let’s hope the future of Firemizer and Firebuilder stays bright as we tackle this year with a fire roaring in our bellies and in our hearths too.



Firebuilder – everything you need to know about the all-in-one fire lighter!

Firebuilder is the most effortless and efficient way to start the perfect fire in your barbecue, chiminea or fireplace. The genius of this fire lighter truly lies in its simplicity! Made of 100% recycled cardboard, the unique draught technology of Firebuilder ensures that the airflow of the fire produces a fuller flame and faster heat production without the need for any extra kindling or the intrusion of chemicals like kerosene. This means it’s odourless and great to cook with, safety-conscious and environmentally friendly!

Using Firebuilder couldn’t be easier – here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Simply place one grid flat on your grate or stove (or snap the grid into two for smaller models).
  2. Ignite the corner and the let the unique design do the work until the fire has become established.
  3. Finally add your fuel (with sister-product Firemizer if you want your fire to last over a third longer). The whole of grid is consumed during its lifespan, which means there’s no mess to clean up afterwards either.

Firebuilder is also the perfect companion to any outdoor enthusiast. It requires no extra kindling and one pack can potentially make up to 10 fires faster than any comparable product. Extensive product research and testing has proven that whilst other market firelighters can take up to 42 minutes to achieve 1kw of heat, Firebuilder takes a mere 27 minutes. Starting campfires, barbeques or chimineas has never been as quick, clean or easy!

Whether it’s for cooking up a meal in the great outdoors, or starting the fireplace to warm the family home, Firebuilder makes the process of starting the perfect fire quicker, cleaner, and much easier. Don’t find yourself without one whatever the weather this season!

Firemizer – everything you need to know about the solid-fuel-saving device!

Here’s all you need to know about Firemizer:

It’s a suspiciously simple yet incredibly effective product. Everything you need to know about the product and how it improves your wood or coal-burning falls into three qualities; Efficient, Environmental, and Economic.

Firstly, Firemizer boasts an exceptionally efficient nature that helps to save you over a third of your solid fuel source. By slowing down the airflow to the body of the fire, Firemizer reduces the burn-rate and its stainless-steel-alloy mesh evenly distributes the heat across the entire base of your wood or coal-burning stove or fireplace. This means that with the addition of Firemizer, your fire will burn far more resourcefully than it ever did before.

Secondly, Firemizer is a helpful tool in the battle against climate change. It is non-catalytic, chemical-free and with its cardboard packaging, entirely recyclable. You can even use the leftover stove ash in your garden as compost for plants!  Firemizer reduces excess creosote tars that build up in chimneys by 57% and general air pollutants by 72%, and with 38% of extra life added to your fire, saving a third of your wood or coal resources in the process!

Finally, and most importantly to some, are the economic benefits. By reducing the amount of solid fuel needed and simultaneously increasing the lifespan of your fire, Firemizer immediately starts helping you save on energy bills from the second it’s placed under your fire until the end of its lifespan (typically around 500 burn hour or one season).

So stop throwing your money and resources into the fire – purchase a Firemizer and start burning efficiently, environmentally and economically!

America Recycles Day

America Recycles Day:

On Wednesday, the Environmental Protection Agency recognized the nation’s advancement towards creating a cleaner, brighter and more sustainable future with regards to recycling. EPA emphasized the positive impact that this attitude has had towards employment, the economy and most importantly, the environment. Instead of generating a collective groan like a recycled joke would receive, recycling waste products actually reduces the space needed in landfills and amounts of harmful gases created by incinerators. This leaves the country’s landscape unharmed whilst also aiding the economy through the creation of jobs within the recycling industry.

Firemizer fits as comfortably into this celebration as comfortably as it fits beneath any solid fuel fire or stove. With cardboard packaging and zero product waste left behind, it is the perfect companion product to this holiday. By slowing the airflow and allowing the fire to conduct more evenly, Firemizer increases the lifespan of the fire by over a third whilst reducing excess creosote tars by 57% and air particulates by 72%.


Firebuilder is a kerosene-free, 100% recycled-cardboard fire-starter that doubles as kindling. When used with sister-product Firemizer, getting the most out of your fire or stove has never been easier. This means a warm evening by the fire is made even warmer with the knowledge that you’re saving the planet (as well as money).

There are plenty of other ways to help out the environment and reduce your carbon footprint.

For example;

  • Using energy-efficient light bulbs is another bright idea to save money on energy bills
  • Double-sided printing can cut down on paper consumption
  • Using leftover coffee grounds (or the excess stove ash) as compost can help if your garden needs a boost.

Celebrate America Recycles Day by doing your part in keeping the planet clean and green!

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